Friday, December 14, 2007

Best way to stay update about your friends' blog

Well, this is not new anymore, but just want to share with you where I spent most of my time everyday, not any website, but my RSS reader. As you might came across most of the news sites like BBC, CNN etc has a small RSS or XML icon on the bottom right of the page, it is a link for you to subscribe to their website to read the latest news headlines without .

There are plenty of free rss reader, in google mail, yahoo mail even on your Vista Widget bar. For me, I use FeedDemon. It serves all my need.

Anyway, I'd been reading RSS for 2 years plus, but I have never in my mind to subscribe to any friends' rss. It could be there are plenty social networking site like facebook, friendster out there that lead me to think i would get my friends' latest update there. Frankly speaking, i'm not very active in those networking site now, since my company blocked the access. Then the idea to subscribe to my friends' blog site struck my mind. By default, every blog has its rss, to subscribe blogspot rss, use this link http://[username] while Friendster blog rss link is http://[username] .
Right, from now, I'll be more update about my friends now :)

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