Friday, April 18, 2008

Energy Saving Tips

As the oil price now at $115 per barrel, most of us are paying expensive fuel and enerygy compare to 1 year ago. Here are some tips to reduce your energy bill.

Heating Tips

  • Time your heating to go off 30 minutes before you leave the house, and come on again 30 minutes before you are due to return.
  • Turn the room thermostat down by 1?C. This can save around £30 a year.
  • Make sure curtains or furniture are not in front of a radiator.
  • Draw the curtains at dusk to keep heat in rooms.

Using Electrical Appliances
  • Switch off appliances such as microwaves, TVs, videos, stereos, and computers, as they use energy when they are left on standby. A staggering 85% of the energy used by the DVD player is consumed when it is not actually in use.
  • Unplug equipment e.g. mobile phones, shavers and electric toothbrushes—once they are fully charged, otherwise they will keep drawing electricity.


  • Avoid leaving the fridge door open. Avoid putting hot or warm food straight into the fridge; allow it to cool first.
  • Defrost your fridge regularly to keep it running efficiently and cheaply. If it seems to frost up quickly, check the door seal. It makes sense to avoid putting your fridge next to an oven or boiler. If possible, keep the freezer in a cool room or garage.

Washing machine and dishwashers

  • Only wash full loads or use a half-load or economy programme. Always use a low temperature programme as modern washing powders will be just as effective.
    Modern dishwashers use less energy and water than washing up by hand.


  • Match the size of the ring to the size of the saucepan or you will be paying to heat the air.
  • Gas flames should only heat the bottom of the pan (not the sides)
  • Use a lid on saucepans, so the contents heat more quickly and you use less energy.
  • Pressure cookers, steamers and microwaves save energy.

Tumble dryers

  • In summer dry your clothes outside when possible.
  • If you are drying your clothes indoors, don’t put them over over a radiator. This stops the heat from reaching the rest of the room. Try putting up a clothes rail in an unheated room, opening the window slightly to allow damp escape and shutting the door to stop heat being drawn into that room.

Hot water

  • Only boil as much water in the kettle as you need.
  • In hard water areas, you need to deal with limescale to keep your kettle working efficiently for longer. At least twice a year, soak the element overnight in vinegar.
  • When washing up or running a bath turn the thermostat on your hot water tank down to 60c. This is a comfortable temperature for most people.
  • An ordinary shower uses just two fifths of the water for a bath. In contrast, power showers use as much water as a bath and sometimes more.

Extracted from

1 comment:

jimmy jackson said...

When it comes to the matter of energy saving curtains can help you in this. You have to
Choose nice quality of curtains that
Absorbs heat and let your room be cool so that you can save power.